Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thing #16 It's Been A Wiki of a Week!

...actually about 10 days worth of personally induced "pain and suffering" thru the development of my first "real" wiki all on my own! I got a crazy idea to use one for a major project I was working on, and completely forgot how - long - it - takes - me - to - do - anything - the - first - time.

Yes, I know I'm jumping ahead of some Things in order to share the "hard" time I gave myself over the last several days, but o, well...maybe it's in my nature to "jump to conclusions!"

Now, do NOT think that I am bashing wikis because of my difficulties. The idea behind wikis is great...collaboration tool, communication tool, sharing tool. 95% of my problem was me...not wanting to adapt to the restrictions of the program. Remember these things are FREE and are not gonna necessarily meet all my self-imposed standards of what it should do or look like... or for that matter, what you want from it! :-)

The other 5% mostly has to do with formatting...and o, yes, the poor way you can not use tables very effectively! I just finally had to get-over-it and move on. I did learn that it is much easier to start from scratch and not try to import a bunch of things that are inconsistently formatted from different sources.

Now that might not be a problem for others, but I have never been one for using "help"...I don't want my program to think for me...don't want it to assume I want bullets, indentations, or text /image boxes...I like plain blank screens, thank you very much!

Anyway, after I get group approval of what I created, I will revisit #16 and share my "creation!"

O, in case you are interested...I used PBWiki based on the reading I did (lots of support for it is included on Thing #16) and the recommendation of someone who successfully used it for something she needed. I am going to quiz her about just how easy she found it to use.

And I must always remember...all of these experiences mean I am a life-long learner!!

Now, maybe I can spend some "fun" going thru some other Things...and more importantly, reading thru all the great posts of all the Players...Have you SEEN the LENGTH of the list!!

Talk to you later,

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