Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Thing #6 Mashing Stuff

I am still struggling with all the aspects of Flickr...it is a much more complex site than I realized and you can do so much with it...I just wish I understood it all better, but I know, in time, it will come and I will have a light bulb moment or two.

I do like the texture & color feature of Flickr that allows you to select a color and various photos representing it will pop up. I picked a really deep green and you can see the results. I can see how this would help an art teacher demonstrate color and textures with regard to paint and color, but also it would be a fun way to teach color vocabulary to youngsters (or ESL students) as well.

I have been using a mash up called Animoto for some time now, but I do like the trading card program that was included for us to play with! I can see all kinds of uses in school for this little program and for lots of ages...I think I might have to make some fun "business" cards for myself. Here is a sample card I created to learn the program.
I have had fun...maybe too much today...I gotta leave this for awhile and get back to my New Year's resolution of getting my little casa clean and straight again...I can almost see my dining room table!
Until later, Froggy Wart

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