Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thing #9 Too Many Blogs, Too Little Time

I have a pretty extensive list of blogs in my blogroll over at my other blog. I collected those blogs thru a variety of ways over the last 3+ years and finally dropped them in my blog about 14 months ago when I finally broke down and created one!

My history with blogs started with teenage angst blogs and that is NOT a great way to start, believe me! Then I started hearing/reading about blogging leaders in education and particularly, librarianship, through conferences and professional websites and journals. Can't remember the first batch too much, but really caught the blog fever at the Texas Library Association conference a few years ago when I attended two sessions on the subject.

More recently, I have used the traditional methods of discovering blogs to follow. I do check out award winners such as found at Edublogs and I use web sites such as Technorati to see who has connected to my is always such a surprise who picks up my blog thru the tags I have included there and words in my posts! I am currently following several Google Alerts for blog content that is of interest as well. Another way I find and follow blog postings is to read someone else's public reader page. In other words, I let an expert pull the materials I should read! Works for me!
But I have found most of the blogs I follow and many of my very favorite blogs by checking out what other bloggers post about, have on their blogrolls, and thru birdwalks from one blog to another, to another, to another. This is why Google notebook should prove to be helpful to me.
I have many blogs not on my blogroll simply because I read them for fun. Some include friends' blogs and non-educationally based blogs. I enjoy the subjects like recipes or places where people live, but mostly importantly, these non-work-related blogs are just plain fun to read. The writers are talented story tellers and can make a great story out of a crazy beagle, squirrels in the belfry, travels to bookstores or around the world, and make me laugh every time I open their blogs!
My current problem because of all these blogs...I need to cull out the dead wood...blogs that have not updated in awhile, have changed the focus and I don't follow that line of thought, or just plain don't say it with the same enthusiasm as someone else I read as well. Maybe if I can around to doing this, my list will be a better fit for the time I can devote to it all!
See you around the pad,
Froggy Wart

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