Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Thing #5 Flickr

Why do I insist on making something hard?!?

I have been in Flickr about a half dozen times looking at pictures and reading all the stuff about it. Just join and upload and quit worrying about it so much.

I really want to use Flickr to store pictures so I don't always have to remember which computer I have put some picture files on. I do want to be careful because most of the pictures I take are of people who I don't want to share with just anyone. So I really had to read the privacy portions more than once. So I have set it up to have public and private pictures.

So I go to join...and low & behold I had already done so...way back in 2004! Completely forgot that! When the other pictures popped up, I was surprised.

Here is a photo I took and I have added to my Flickr collection. I wanted to include a picture of my favorite place on earth, but none of the ones I saw in Flickr looked like they were "free" to use. So I have emailed the owners and if they grant peremisssion, I will come back here and include one of those!
In the meantime, you get to see the friendly squirrel that comes down the tree to get pecans out my sister's hand! I wish I could show you the turtles that come "running" for the canned dog food, but they are hibernating right now! I could have shown you a picture of my Mr. C, but I have to figure out which computer he is on first!
Anyway, there is SO much to learn about the Flickr stuff...and I want to learn to use it correctly!
There are SO many great photos...especially when you put in tags!
More later!
Froggy Wart

1 comment:

BIG RED said...

This is a wonderful way to keep up with all of our memories.