Monday, February 11, 2008

Note to Self

A tag can replace a folder...JUST like an OPAC replaced all those catalog drawers...long ago & far away. So get over it...and move on.

Now this problem with alphabetizing by first name...sorry, some things are just sacred.


Terry said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who uses the blog to talk to themselves! I'm with ya on the alpha by first name! Good grief.

Grendel said...

Hey! This is the first day I have noticed your Library2Play license tag! You have the most fun ideas! I am afraid to think what might happen if you had any free time!!

Anonymous said...

So the way you made this simple, so effective, so 'hit 'em between the eys'. Keep up the great posts.

arkreynolds said...

How in the world do you keep all of the blogs going? You have great information to share and your great about sharing too! Just one of the reasons I have enjoyed taking your classes. Hmm, having you share 23 Things in August Staff Development sounds like a great idea - heee - one more thing on your list...Maybe we can discuss this Tuesday night while I'm there for my UHCL class.

Barbara Marchand said...

Great way to make a point...and share information...back to piecing!