Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing #14 Technorati is Worth a Claim

I have used Technorati for many months. My main purpose was that that comes from claiming a blog. I claimed my first blog so that I could see all the different blogs known as authorities that "found" it because of the tags or things I mentioned and for whatever reason either mentioned it in their blogs or put it on ther blogrolls.

Because Technorati keeps a list of these blogs for me, I am able to go in and study these blogs individually and learn from them, see what we have in common, and follow them if they fit a need. Several times a curriculum-related blog has latched onto something I posted and I get to see how the information does work out in a classroom.

In the beginning, I also took a look at the Top 100 blogs...amazing how many are educationally technology or library related...lots of good "stuff" to learn about. Take a look at Engadget, Mashable, ReadWrite Web, 43 Folders.
I have done searches through it as well, but not too many because I have so many other ways to locate resources. I think it comes down to whatever works for you and whatever you get used to first. Choice...that's the key!

Technorati...another way to share the wealth of information.

Froggy Wart


Terry said...

But don't try 3 of them in the district - they're forums!

Grendel said...

Wow. I am just learning about them right now from reading your blog and th has already investigated them! Do either of you ever sleep?!

Anonymous said...

I will see what I can do about making them available...will check them at home first for any edgy things!